
Guest Blog: Oliver on Controlled Environments for Battery Production

In this blog post, Oliver, our Head of Global Cleanroom Solutions, explores the development of battery technology and how it is leading to changing requirements for production environments.

With the advent of smartphones, smart homes and electric cars, batteries are not only in demand, but consumers are demanding more from them. The challenge is on for next generation battery development. Developments are leading to increased performance in lithium-ion batteries and also the successful exploration of the viability of other materials to be used in battery technology.

When working with advanced materials in this way, humidity and static can cause shorts between connections and layers, so stringent control operating within defined tolerances is paramount to creating a stable environment.

Long lasting charge, or range, is frequently thought of as the core metric of a battery’s performance. But, especially when the end-application is for car or grid use, power and energy densities, and the charging time are also powerful considerations.

The environmental impact of batteries has long since been an issue within the sector. A battery’s life-span and ability to be recycled at its end of life are powerful drivers for improving sustainability and manufacturing ‘green’ batteries.

Of course everything comes at a price and the commercialisation of technologies relies on the battery production facilities being able to successfully control manufacturing costs. Environments in this industry come in all shapes and sizes, with some requiring clean and ultra-dry environments with footprints in excess of 20,000m².

Thanks for reading,


You can read more about creating the optimum dry-room manufacturing environment for next-gen battery production facilities in our knowledge centre, or visit us on Stand 56 at the Battery Expo in Silverstone in March.